Saturday, March 29, 2008

ok so...I can't sleep

Okay so...I went to the DR today...and the quack told me that I have an ear infection...and it is pretty bad.

Of course if I had gone to the Dr after my trip to Gig Harbor WA, after which I haven't been able to hear out of my right ear I may have been able to get by with some ear drops...but no...I listened to the folks around town who said...

"It is probably just Wax" I went through this whole thing for two weeks with wax drops and that stupid bulb-y thing that sprays water down your ear canal to flush out the wax...which made me dizzy and miserable. Nope...apparently because i have freakishly large closes my Eustachian Tube any time I get sick...and when I was on the ears popped allowing in bacteria deeper into my ear...causing infection...and infection that I ignored for 2 weeks.

The Doctor was confused...he said I should be in pain...and too dizzy to walk...apparently being a corporate drone has its instead of getting some eardrops...I get a shot in my Bum...I get an anti-congestant, I get a new allergy med, AND ear drops...ugh...and after all of those meds...I'm is 5am...and i'm not remotely tired.


I've tried counting sheep
The sheep fell asleep...I didn't.

At least the QCast boys are keeping me company...well...I'm catching up on their eps... =-) is another reason to join our facebook group...ok so I love pod is my copilot...I've posted a couple of pictures of Riley...and some actual face pics of Rodan. So yes...join and come by and see the Rodan.


Taffy said...

I never sleep...Call me!

Michael in Stuttgart said...

aww, poor rodan - get well soon honey. Insomnia is awful and if even QCastCT doesn't do the trick, nothing will :)
Best wishes

xo M

Taylor The Latte Boy said...

I was actually up then, too! Four dogs in a bed does not make for a

Call me - it will be like the old days when you would wake me up in the middle of the night when you would get home to work!

See, I managed to be nice and not mention that time we blew each other!