Saturday, March 29, 2008

Ok, So I Hate Taffy Because She Hates Me....or, Rodangasm....

So, Taffy informs me at lunch that she hates me because I have shown her For those of you who don't remember a post I did a while back, is like YouTube, only the networks put the movies/tv shows up there themselves. There are whole episodes of many shows that are currently on TV (like 30 Rock and Family Guy), but there also old shows and whole movies on there, too. Now, there are some classics, like Bob Newhart or, my all time favorite, the Mary Tyler Moore Show. So is that what I watched? No, of course not.

Not only did I watch the first ten minutes of Titan A.E., but I may have kinda sorta got sucked into...Cleopatra 2525.

Somewhere from his deathbed, Rodan is laughing.....How THIS show was canceled, I have NO idea....
Sarge IS kinda hot for a girl, though..
Taffy, don't even bother watching it....your head will explode.

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