Thursday, June 24, 2010

Ok, So Can Someone Please Explain To Me....

The appeal of the Scissor Sisters? I don't get it. Are they supposed to be tongue in cheek? Is it because the lead singer has a nice body and runs around in his underwear all the time? I really don't get it. And I'm being serious. If you're a fan, what is it that you like about them, and please direct me to some of their good stuff. Because, as I said...


brothercasey said...

Oh, my dear Taylor. How can I explain why I love the Scissor Sisters. I love the range of Jake's voice, and Ana is also a very good singer. The music is meant to be fun, and maybe inspire some dancing. GOod stuff. From the first record, Tits on The Radio is a fun song, as is Laura, Take Your Mama Out, and their take on Comfortably Numb.
From the second record, SHe's My Man is a great story song. I Can't Decide is just awesome, and I think of an ex sister-in-law when I hear it. Land of A Thousand Words is a beautiful song. Lights is my favorite track that Jake sings, but Kiss You Off is my favorite track on the record. Full of spunk, piss and attitude. I LOVE the band, and it has nothing to do with Jake's looks. You may not be a fan, but I still love you, Taylor!

Unknown said...

I like them because they are dancing fun. Yes tongue in cheek but pulling old school disco mixed with a B-52's sensibility. I also like that they are dance pop fun much like so much of the music of the 80s (only better).

Two members of the group are gay (lead singer and the bear keyboardist).

Best Songs: take Your Momma Out, Filthy/gorgeous, Kiss you Off, I don't feel like dancing, tits on the radio

Also you admit to listening to Paula there's that.

Walt said...

I love the 70s throwback sound (but without sounding dated) of some of their songs. They're kitchy fun and they've got some really catchy songs. Their new song "Fire With Fire" gets caught in my head and won't leave.

The others pointed out some of their best songs.

Drum Riley Calhoun said...

Maybe you're just over-thinking it. Loosen up and enjoy it. If that doesn't work, you can always go back to listening to the Spice Girls... =P