Friday, April 3, 2009

Ok, So Who Knew Bill Paxton Had Anything To Do With This?

This video was discussed today in the car on the way to lunch, proving that we Taffy and I may actually be getting close to running out of things to talk about.

The first two minutes and 20 seconds of this are kinda torture, and I don't remember it when it was shown on MTV.


Anonymous said...

I believe this song was played on SNL in the late 70's or so...At least that is where I remember it from.
Heather in AZ

KR Dorne said...

This was on MTV Just the music part not the first 2 minutes- I should know - I am old LOL and watched MTV on its very first day. And Billy Mummy from "Lost in Space" did this song I think that is who he is. It is a child actor from the 60s shows.