A good movie. Was it the greatest movie ever? Of course not, it's not Xanadu for crissake's! But an enjoyable romp. All the casting was great (except for.....Gwynneth...) and it stayed very true to the origins while updating them for a modern time. And the easter egg at the end of the credits was AWESOME!!! Totally not expecting it, even though I had read rumors about it a while back.
We went to a late movie - 12:30. AM. I used to do that with Rodan all the time when we were mere cubs in twink's clothing. Where IS Rodan??! I've heard (wide) hide nor hair (on the back) from him in TWO weeks! WTF?
Yeah, it's not Gone With The Wind, but it actually had character development! And a decent plot! And Gwyneth didn't annoy me even once, which was amazing.
Apparently Iron Man makes a cameo in the upcoming HULK movie. Considering all things, I bet I know where it's going to happen.
I thought it was good...best superhero movie since X-Men 2...
At the end...I was totally ready for the next Iron Man movie...with a bigger villian
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