The video of Taffy and her amazing weight loss has been BLOWING UP! We have had over 380 of you download it in the last 48 hours - THAT, kittens, is a new PiMC record for an episode! I know many of you have been talking about the video in your blogs and podcasts, and I want to thank you for taking the time to talk about our Miss Taffy and her accomplishment. You all rock. I am forwarding all the e-mails you send to Taffy to her, and will be playing the many voicemails we have gotten on the next episode we tape on Sunday night. And, again, look for 56 tomorrow night.
This is what podcasting is all about. The effect we ALL can have on each other by reaching out and telling our stories is a powerful thing. Thank you to Taffy for sharing her story, and just as importantly, to all of you who have shared YOUR stories with us, listeners and podcasters alike.
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