Monday, October 19, 2009

Ok, So THIS I Would Watch....Maybe...

LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) – NBC has ordered a companion series to its reality hit "The Biggest Loser" starring tough-love trainer Jillian Michaels.
The network has picked up eight episodes of "Losing It With Jillian." Michaels will travel the country showing weight-challenged Americans that they can get the same results as contestants on "The Biggest Loser" without attending the show's immersive fitness boot camp.
In each self-contained episode, Michaels will move into a family's home and give them a top-to-bottom fitness, nutrition and wellness makeover. Unlike "Loser," which is more strictly focused on shedding pounds, "Losing It" will take on multiple aspects of a healthy lifestyle.
The show also will feature celebrity chef Curtis Stone, who will offer the families a nutritional plan and cooking tips.
"In a way, it's a response to the comments we always get on 'Loser,'" Michaels said. "We always hear, 'It's so easy to lose weight when you move into the camp and you're living with trainers' and 'Would they really be able to lose the weight if there wasn't money on the line?' Here we're giving you realistic tools and a realistic environment to transform your life and the life of your family."
No airdate has been set, but a possible strategy is to debut the show after the "Loser" finale in May and roll the episodes into the summer.
"Losing" is in production and marks the first series deal for Michaels and her partner Giancarlo Chersich's production company, Empowered Media.
The series will show a more rounded side of the tough trainer.
"On 'Biggest Loser,' I play a character of sorts," she said. "This show is very different. I'm not going to scream at a 10-year-old. You're going to see different aspects of my personality, and it's more about the biggest picture and not just being skinny."

....The reason I say "Maybe" is that I can't take all the ridiculous characters on TBL and all the horrible editing and the fact that they take a one hour show and drag it out to two hours. But, something tells me that the show will have a "supernanny" approach and you will hate all the families when you first meet them, and guaranteed, one of the first three episodes will have Jillian "walking out" of a home out of frustration, camera crew frantically chasing her and she walks down the street? She says it herself - she plays a "character" on TBL (disappointing, I know) - how long before the fans demand the Ilsa, She-wolf of the SS Jillian over the Extreme Makeover: Fatty edition Jillian?

Also, and I have been meaning to post about this a while back, I was in Walgreen's recently and saw that Jillian is selling diet pills that go along with her weight loss plan. They sell for about 40 bucks a bottle right by the front counter. Have to admit, it made me a little sad. If diet pills are part of her regimen, why aren't we watching the orange team or the purple team pop a couple of them before their last chance workout?

And before people get uppity, I HAVE tried taking diet pills in the past to lose weight...I seriously thought that my heart was going to beat out of my chest.

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