Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Ok so, here is a check list for you...

How sex, dental floss and belly laughs can make a good life great. Best-selling author Mehmet Oz, M. D., explains.
Dr. OZ has released a sure fire list of feeling better, being healthy and living longer...

1. Have great sex
2.Look at your poop
3.Sweat till your wet
4.Eat all the bright color veggies
5.Get sleep
6.Floss (not just brush)
7.Green tea everyday
8.Eat breakfast everyday
9. take deep breaths
10. Belly laugh everyday

Exercise and making time for friends is an assumed most have for a long happy healthy life!

1 comment:

KR Dorne said...

For that man...I would gladly slide down in the stirrups for him LOL...mmmmm bedside manner..Oh My GAWDS what is wrong with me?