Wednesday, January 4, 2012

OK, So A DCnU Scorecard

So, we are four to five months in on the DC reboot, and while initially exciting in some ways, and definitely an initial drain on my wallet, I'm sensing some changes in my level of enthusiasm that I can't help but notice...and be sad about.

Books in red are books I have outright cancelled in my pull list.  Books in Orange are on the bubble and may be on their way out if things don't change.

Action Comics
Detective Comics
Justice League International
Red Lanterns

Batman and Robin
Frankenstein, Agent of S.H.A.D.E
Green Lantern

Birds of Prey
Justice League - (This one hurts, not gonna lie)
Wonder Woman

All-Star Western
The Flash
Green Lantern: New Guardians
Teen Titans

Now... If you look at the whole list, in that first month of books, I bought 21.  Four months later, I am only committing to buy 33% of those on the bubble.  The books in orange are ones that I am just not excited about.  In some ways, I understand why DC decided to clear the room re: continuity to make things easier for new readers by giving them a new spin and style.  But in doing that, it made it a lot easier for us long term readers to walk away now that we don't have that emotional connection we had with them for, in my case, decades.

I will say this, however.  The books that I AM staying with?  Amazing.  How exciting for me as a Wonder Woman fan to see her FINALLY get some positive attention for an well crafted and beautiful book that I would give to just about anyone to try.  And the art in Batwoman is stunning.

I know that some of our listeners are reading DC books -what do you think?  Is there something that I'm missing from my list of books?


Walt said...

I've been trying to find the time to do an actual blog post on this exact same subject. I'm quickly losing interest in the DCnU. The enthusiasm I forced into myself is almost completely gone. I'm only reading about 16 monthlies right now (about half of what I was pre-relaunch) and I'm about to drop some books. Stormwatch is a book I loved the concept of and it's just unreadable to me. Frankenstein is on the bubble, though again, I love the concept. Right now I love Batman, Batgirl, Batwoman, Legion of Super-Heroes, Green Lantern, Aquaman. I'm trade waiting a few titles, including Wonder Woman, All-Star Western, JLI, I, Vampire. Most of the rest I could care less about. The entire Superman family of books hurts my soul. The entire Teen Titans family of books not only hurts my soul, but it then poured gasoline on it and lit it on fire. I'm reevaluating the other Green Lantern books. And it may be a bad book, but I kind of still like Hawkman.

Also, Justice League, I'm in complete agreement with you. I want to like it, but this first arc hurts. The second arc will hopefully pick up as it will be set in the current day rather than a few years back.

Ryazu said...

Batman-Best title of them all Catwoman-Shag in the 1st issue was offputting, but art is beautiful and writer is playing her to her actual theft character JLA-Stay tils 1st issue of new arc at least,just to catch up to current continuity if anything it gives you a monthly dose of everyone. Aquaman-Typically lame character, but Geoff Johns, beautiful art and can't wait for the history lesson to come The Flash-Again writer and Manpul's art, opening up Barry's power set and aren't you curious about Wally?

Come on Taylor, hold out a while longer.