Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Ok, So 2011 - The Year In iTunes (Pt. 3)

2/3/2011 - David Guetta (featuring Kelly Rowland) - When Love Takes Over  A club favorite, this song reminds me of working out.  It's on about three or four of my playlists and you can't help but start pumping up your workout when the chorus kicks in.  Yeah, I know, it's awfully "gay."  But, guess what?.... Grade: B

2/7/2011 - Mumford and Sons - The Cave This song will forever remind me of Lollipop and driving up to North Carolina with Taffy and looking at the winter's countryside.  It does kinda freak me out when he's calls the person he's singing to a meat-eat-er. Grade: A

2/14/2011 - Rihanna - G4L I first heard this song at the end of a PNSexplosion (a theme that you'll see with some other songs future posts).  The lyrics are, for the most part, trash.  I'm not necessarily into gangsta speak (shocking, I know), but I can picture cool hip hop dance routines to some of the beats and music.  Plus listening to the equivalent of a human lollipop (not that of Huffington ancestry) talking about shooting guns and slurring "fuck" every few seconds?  Kinda funny.  Grade: B

2/16/2011 - Rascal Flatts - I Won't Let Go  I was in charge of music for this year's Bereavment Camp that we do (did) at work.  Someone recommended this song for use for the memorial service.  I stated that I didn't think it would be a good song because...you know, Rascal Flatts?  Really?  I was outvoted until the last minute, when some other song was chosen.  I don't think I've ever listened to this song since the first time I downloaded it, but even then it was a freakin' Rascal Flatts song, so Grade: C (Average, like...well, them.)

3/3/2011 - The Runaways -  Cherry Bomb  I bought the song after watching the movie based on the band with Dakota Fanning and Kristen Stewart (which was surprisingly REALLY good).  It's definitely a time capsule back to a time that I don't remember, and that wasn't my parents' idea of rock music (they liked Journey and Billy Joel), but it's still a fun, fun song.  And this song is an example of a song that we talk about in Episode 193 - Coming soon! Grade: A

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