Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Ok, So It Speaks For Itself....

Seriously, Pixar? Because Toy Story 3 WASN'T Enough?!?! Why don't you just add Mister Rogers to the mix so that I can completely roll around on the floor crying and screaming while my pug looks on, confused.


Anonymous said...

I am a huge fan of the It Gets Better Project. Teenagers generally only have two emotions - happy and catastrophic - and it's hard for them to realize that there is life beyond high school. For those in the GLBT community, I can only imagine that it must be even more difficult to believe that it gets better. It was hard for me to believe it as a scrawny, nerdy straight girl! I think this is a message that is so right on the mark - it DOES get better and there is support out there. <3

Taffy said...

They ran this during Glee Last night and we literally applauded!