Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Ok so...Well, Pearls are so Donna Reed!

A wonderful listener sent me this...knowing my love for jewelry, and of course, sperm.

Pearl Necklace is a seemingly amorphous cast silver shape on a chain that is actually an accurate representation of semen. It is a visual marker of chaos turned perfection through an act of beauty and lust. Pearl Necklace is a physical reminder of a fleeting moment of pleasure.

Girl with a Pearl Necklace


Melanie said...

Is it weird that I really kinda like this?

Taffy said...

Not at all Melanie...I said the same thing!

Melanie said...

Well, Christmas IS coming (heh) up...

Anonymous said...

I would totally wear this necklace.

and I would revel in the confusion on people's faces whenever they commented on it and I told them it is my "pearl necklace." Some people would never get it, that would be the funniest for me.