Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Ok, So What Is UP With The Stars of ABC's Tuesday Night Comedy Line-Up....Circa 1980

Now we have word that the Big Ragu has been arrested on DUI. If anyone sees Pam Dawber in an ABC liquor buying Grey Goose, hit the deck!!!

And yes it is sad I remember that those shows were all on Tuesday nights. Who are you to judge me?!?!


Nessa said...

It's a me, mario!

Taylor The Latte Boy said...


(Though I did laugh really hard when I read this.)

Pat Gaik said...

Mario! Ha! Strangely enough, the role he's played most often is Tevye in Fiddler on the Roof...sad that I know that...

Unknown said...

The Big Ragu can use some work. And by work, I DEFINITELY mean a BIG nip and tuck.

Oh Lord, please make the world more beautiful! Amen.