Thursday, July 30, 2009

Ok, So FINALLY, An Exercise For Taffy's Arms....And She's Already Been Doing It For Years....


Taffy said...

This has to be a joke...If this was true, every man in the world would have amazing arms.

Pat Gaik said...

Yes...but men don't have "dynamic inertia!"

And like most women would need to use two hands...sha!

brothercasey said...

Uhm, is this for real? I have to call bullshit on that thing!

Melanie said...

The crap that gets sold in the name of "exercise" is truly amazing. I'd rather just lift some weights, thank you very much.

However, speaking of suggestive exercises, it turns out that there's a bow (as in playing the violin) exercise that requires you to rest your forearm on a table, hold the bow upright, and move it up and down in a very precise motion using only your wrist. Yeah, it looks exactly like what you think it does. The Bodacious Brit should get some benefit out of that.

Pat Gaik said...
