Monday, March 16, 2009

PiMC: Episode 96 - He's Fingering Taylor, What's The Difference?, or Baby Fresh and Smells of Rain Bath

We reintroduce an old segment tonight. I'll give you a hint. Rodan is a ho.

Send us a message letting us know your favorite PiMC moments for our 100th episode!!!!

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Anonymous said...

Buttless chaps is redundant

Guru Nudie said...

Wow! Rodan gives Nick Thomas a run for the money in this one. You go girl!

Unknown said...

I think we can add this one to the list of the all-time greatest episodes, right up there with 7, 20, and 69.

Anonymous said...

Hey Gang!

Hope that things are well with you. I've had a week from hell last week. To find out about it, listen to my podcast episode 032. Listening to your recent episode made me forget about my troubles. I wish that I could meet up with you someday, but this would have to be put on hold for a while.

Take care and please know that you are the light of joy in my life.

Your Nashville Friend,


JohnFrost said...

The cover for this episode, once I heard the context, is fucking hilarious!

Taffy said...

Thank you John...I try!