Holy crap.
Out of the 14 games played today, I picked the right team 12 out of 14 times! I have no idea how I did it, but I find myself going to the NCAA website now every few hours, highlighter in hand, checking to see how "my teams" did.
I'll let you all know how I did tomorrow after the first round of games is completely over.
I'm so fucking butch I can't stand myself sometimes.
Now ask me if I've watched a game yet :)
I thought it was a maze at first. What is March Madness? A shopping spree?
No, it's college basketball - the championship. They start out with 64 teams, then it gets whittled down to 32, 16, 8, 4 (the final four), 2, and then there is a winner.
It's like Project Runway for straight people.
OH! I get it now. It was the Project Runway comparison that helped me out.
THe only thing I really know about March Madness is that some of the games are being played here at BSU, and it is screwing up my parking. How dare they bring us national attention and cause me mild irritation as I mourn my infant cousin's death. (All about me, all about me)
No need too watch any games!! lol
You mean you haven't watched a game yet?
Tall, young, muscular, sweaty men running around in in shorts playing with a big ball?
You haven't watched it?
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