I am not sure how I feel today.
Today I found out that my Senior highschool/ Freshman college boyfriend (of over a year) has died.
To give you some insight into why I dated him for as long as I did...on his walls in his dorm, A poster of Roo, the baby Kangaroo from Winnie the Poo...and a poster of Samantha Fox. A guy who likes baby cartoon characters and whorish fake british singers...Come On!!!!
He is also the guy who saved me from his truck when we drove off a bridge in to the Little Miami River. Trapped upside down, face full of water, he cut me loose from the seatbelt and jerked me out the door.
He is also so the second guy I...you know.
When we broke up, he threw his class ring so hard against a wall, it shattered the center stone...
I hadn't talked to him in over 15 years. So I am not sure why it hit me so hard.
Taffy, I am sorry for your loss. Even though you hadn't seen him or talked to him doesn't mean that he wasn't a part of who you are today and that is worth mourning. My thought are with you.
My sincerest condolences...it's not at all surprising that it hit you hard...no matter how long it had been since you spoke.
Sending you hugs Ms. Taffy.
My condolences on the passing of your friend. You are in my prayers.
I'm sorry, Taffy. I'm sure that even though he's not been a part of your life for so long, he's always had a place in your heart.
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