So, for Babaloo's birthday, I got him the first three
Green Lantern trade paperbacks, per his request. (Actually, he just said he wanted to start reading GL, so I thought they would make a good gift. He was pleased with my decision.) Anywho, I just finished reading them myself and have to say I very much enjoyed them. With the exception of one story (the Star Sapphire story at the end of the third trade), I though they were really well written and kept you on the end of your nerd seat. I'm looking forward to the Sinestro Corp Trades coming out soon.
Anyone else reading and or enjoying these?
I liked the book when it was first relaunched, but at the beginning, it seemed to be missing something. I just don't know what it was. It seemed like Geoff Johns had something up his sleeve, and as time went on, the book hooked me more and more. I can imagine how much better this reads in trade than it does monthly.
The Green Lantern looks like Miss Wes in drag. Just sayin'.
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