I bought my first action figure today in almost 25 years, and the first one from DC Direct. It's a Black Canary, circa Justice League International era. I know most people hated this costume, but I always liked it. I have never been much of an action figure guy, but I knew that this particular costume would probably never be made into an action figure again, and heck, one or two action figures isn't all that bad, is it? I would just like for her to have ears, I guess.

Ok, Taffy, you can come back in now...
Oh, and to compare the action figure to the original costume, I found this art from Justice League #5. It also happens to be one part of one my favorite comic scenes of all time.

I have this, too. In fact, geek that I am, I have the Original Costume version, the Birds of Prey version, the Identity Crisis version and the Justice version, too. BC kicks ass!
the canary cry! or scream or screech or whatever you call it.
what up with superman's big brown penis?
Big brown penis? Huh?
Only you would notice that!!!
And that's why I love you!!
taylor, look at the picture again...
and now that i look a little closer, it is supergirl whose packin' heat! LOL! strap on!
It's just a screw....Jeesh.....
ok, never mind. didn't mean to enjoy your post.
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