I had mentioned on the show that I my father was constantly sending me forwards prior to the election about why "Barry" as my father calls him was going to send us down the path to hell and why we should all be scared to death. I thought that, post November, I would no longer have to deal with the barrage.
Cut to my family all adding me as facebook friends.
Over the last few days, the forwards have gotten worse. I have seen all sorts of things that are offensive to say the least, and the whole torch and pitchfork mentality is amazing. And it's all my family sending these things to one another and agreeing with one another. "Yeah, it was a horibel day when he was elected. You know that he's going to tax us all 60% and give it to his people." (...and yes, I spelled horrible incorrectly on purpose.).
My father has started to send me forwards again in my email and after the last one, I simply wrote to my father, "Dad, I don't know how else to ask you this, so I will ask again. Stop forwarding these things to me. I'm begging you. Please. Stop." His response was to tell me that if I didn't want to read them that I should just delete them, and that he has his right to his opinion, but that I should be better informed and that is what he is trying to do. Inform me about how this country is in trouble.
He is absolutely right that he has a right to his opinion. (he felt the need to "bold" the word inform, so I did the same).
Hey, Dad, no one is saying otherwise. But I have a right to not have to see "Fwd:" in my mailbox and feel my heart beat faster because I know there is something in there that is going to piss me off.
I'm just annoyed about this. I don't normally talk to this particular cousin, so I don't think I have to worry about being revealed as an "unfriender." But the whole reason I go on facebook is for fun, and all my family seems to be doing is pissing me off.
And don't even get me started about my one crazy aunt....but that's a story for another day....
just say the word and I'll have them all posted on the sorry ricky blog! hahahahaha ;)
Or you could just DELETE them before you open them...masochist.
when you have a preview window on your mailbox, they are kinda hard to avoid. And it's the principal, with my father at least, that I have asked him to stop.
Besides, and you can't delete things other people write on facebook.
And who asked you?!? :)
I am sorry. I have the crazy Aunt Pattie - aka Prozac Pattie who is a die-hard Bush/McCain/right wing Conservative...who in the hell ever heard of a Deigo as a right wing conservative. Pasquale is spinning in his damn pro union grave. LOL Hugs doll. We all have them. We can't pick our family but we pick our friends and that is why I would rather be with friends sometimes.
I know tons of people like this. Apparently me, and lots of others are going to hell in a handbasket. I tell them I'm enjoying the road to hell, it's a lot more fun than the last eight years!
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