Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Ok, So THIS Won't Give Me Nightmares or Anything...


KR Dorne said...

OMG What in gay hell????

Starshine said...

awww why'd they have to go and ruin a good thing...sad

Taffy said...

How long before you add them to your Amazon list??

brothercasey said...

Why does the Dorothy doll look like it is going to strangle the Sophia doll? I am scared!!!

Kevin Bee said...

I so want these.

Melanie said...

Oh, hey, these are COOL!

Scotty H said...

is it Archerr, or Omar that just LOVES the golden girls?!
- i dunno if this is quite what they would get off on though.

this is 1st time to go to your website. so weird to see some pix to go with last 40 shows i have listened to.
- wish i had internet @ work.