Monday, October 6, 2008

Ok, So Anyone Else Think This Is Kinda.....Weird?

I was looking at (coughwishlistcoughcough!!!) and I saw this on the front page. It's a limited edition Breast Cancer Awareness DS Lite. Um...ok.
Now, as someone who has a mom who has had a cancer scare a while back, I am all for money going towards research and treatment of this horrible disease. And I get that the Susan G Koman people are trying to get the word out, especially when you consider that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. But, this just seems a bit off to me. The typical DS player is only concerned about breasts when he's watching Skinemax down in the family room with the volume turned way down after his parents go to bed. (And yes, I was that kid). I don't see the market for it. But that's just me.
And while I'm on the topic, the whole "Save the Ta-Tas" thing annoys the hell out of me. It is just another way for Palin-esque soccer moms to use innapropriate vocabulary when talking about a part of the human anatomy. They're not called Ta-Tas - Use the correct terminology when talking about a woman's chest. For God's sake, call them jugs.
I'm Taylor The Latte Boy, and I approve this message

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