Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Ok so...ummmmmmmmmmm...

Would you have posed for this picture??


Taylor The Latte Boy said...

more importantly, is that Elijah Wood?!?

Kevin Bee said...

In a New York second...that is HIGHlarious!

Thom Takes On The World said...

Hi Taylor,

I would not have posed in that picture at all. I mean...I'm 100% man and I don't like to get that close to a naked pussy. Yuck!

I think I just threw up a little in my mouth.

Your Nashville Friend,


Melanie said...

I'm with Taylor on this one -- IS that Elijah Wood??? Holy mother of Cthulhu...

Anonymous said...

hells yeah.

Michael in Stuttgart said...

Now the secret of Elijah's curly hair is revealed.

But who is giving birth? Cher? That would explain why she so desparately sings "If I could turn back time"...