...when, after watching said episodes (about three of the eight I have DVRed), I didn't feel the need to bathe before going out, therefore ordering lunch with goat's breath, crazy bed head and bat wings on my thighs, and complaining at the waitress that the dining establishment did not have BBQ OR Steak Sauce for my burger. And, when ordering dijon mustard, was brough hot mustard instead. Imagine my surprise.
...when, at Starbucks following above reported lunch, the barrista gave me a coffee frappucino instead of my ordered MOCHA frappucino. When I went back to the counter and waited for two minutes for her to TURN AROUND and ask me if she could help me, finally doing my best Suzanne Sugarbaker, "EXCUSEME!" and notifying her that I was not statisfied with my order, and would need a new one, and she let out a small sigh, It was all I could do to not lunge over said counter and slap her about the head, throat and chest region.
....when, upon returning to home to watch three MORE Biggest Losers, I was so about not caring who weighed what, that we watched the final episode of the day Taffy-style (aka a 2 hour episode in about...mmm...8 minutes). We really only wanted to see Jillian bark at Allison (and it was good to me.) So needless to say, I am tired of looking at fat people today. Oh, crap, a mirror...shoot....
That all being said, I did have a lovely day with Taffy, and am glad she was by to spend time with me. I'm sure we will talk about it on the podcast, as we will the new phrase we used repeatedly to describe one of the contestants. What is it? Well, we tape episode 53 tomorrow night, kittens. You'll just have to wait and see what it is when it comes out.
PS - when looking for a picture to go with "hung over," I came across this picture. I'm not going to post it because I know some of you look at this at the office, and it is not NSFW, but when you get a chance, please be sure to visit the land of lesbionic tendancies of yesteryear by going here: http://www.liftedmusic.co.uk/imagesandstuff/harpenden_hangover_mix.gif
1 comment:
Hey Taylor,
Sorry that you had a bad day...but who better to share it with you? You and Taffy seem to have a great friendship and I am glad that you are able to hang out with eachother. If I was anywhere near you, I'd love to hang with you guys as well.
Hugs to you little soldier!
Your Nashville Friend,
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