Friday, March 21, 2008

Ok, So I am Waiting For the Comment From Taffy and/or Michael about Uranus....

I'm headed to Jupiter tomorrow, kids! I should be posting from the road...maybe even a video post if I get bored (got a 4 hour drive ahead of me).

Anyway, we are up to 89 reviews on the iTunes, kittens....and some great new reviews, to boot! Thank you SO very much to: Booberlygooberly (whose title to their review made me laugh out loud, Jeanna Marie, Nisa D and Aunt Jenny (who, it appears, has an small problem listening to us and jogging...). You guys rock.

It would be SO nice to find a new review or two in my Easter basket.....just sayin.

Only 11 away til we get a photo from Chief Wampumballs.......again, just sayin....

1 comment:

Michael in Stuttgart said...

I don't get the title? Does it mean that Uranus is the same size as Jupiter? Wow! Where is my telescope?