Saturday, October 6, 2007

Ok, So, I'm Bigger...and Faster...and I'll ALWAYS Win....

There was discussion in the car today while shopping with Lollipop, Taffy's eldest, that she has never seen Mommie Dearest. Well, needless to say, this started a "Let's see how many quotes we can recite from the movie" contest of sorts between me and the Taff. I told her about this video, and I think I may have posted it before, but it bears watching.

Oh, and Taffy, there is another version that has the "Barbara PLEEEEEEASE" that you were talking about....


Anonymous said...

i think that the clip your talking about is from Wigstock...

Taylor The Latte Boy said...

um, you were the one who brought up the quote...and the...clip?

Someone was drinking tonight during their anniversary, I see.

Hope Tank enjoyed his Handy.