Thursday, March 17, 2011

PiMC: Episode 176 - We Didn't Pay His Rent, Just His Light Bill, or Hey Bubba, You Like Suckin' Dick, Too?, 206-350-1287,, Facebook: Pod Is My Copilot, @PiMCTaylor

See you all next week - I'm NC bound!!!


Anonymous said...

If you are NC Bound you should stop by Charlotte NC and I could take you out to lunch or maybe just give you a 6 pack of Cheerwine! Wes

Gina L said...

There's a Dick's Last Resort restaurant here in Boston that does the same kind of paper-hat thing. Most of the people I see walking around in town have on paper hats that look like giant penises and condoms. Haven't been there yet, but apparently the staff acts like assholes on purpose haha.