Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Ok, So...Um, No

THIS is the confirmed costume for the new Wonder Woman series? I've seen classier super hero costumes at Party City in October, right next to "Sexy Witch" and "Yellow Crayon" costumes.


Taffy said...

I saw this and wondered what you would think...The cheesy blue "leggings" and boots combo scream "Cheap"... I expected more...and I don't care, so I can imagine what those who love this character thought.

Unknown said...

I was holding out hope it was a test concept that was leaked to gauge public reaction. Apparently, I was wrong.

Here's hoping enough people hate it that there is a mid-season mini-plot that involves the costume being destroyed and a replacement one appearing.

Anonymous said...

i couldn't say it better than taylor. it's so party city. the worst part is gonna be seeing all the bitches trying to look hot in it during halloween - the ACTUAL party city version. grody.