Saturday, March 26, 2011

Ok, So Speaking Of Nightmare Inducing....

that's a KAYAK, people..... Apparently this Basking Shark is generally harmless...until, you know, it gets the taste of blood, and then it's ALL over.

Laser guns and baby eatin'. It's going to happen people. Quote me on it.


Cassie MT said...

My inlaws live in the Destin area. I should scan in the photos of us swimming in Destin with the sharks. You'd pee your pants.

brothercasey said...

That shark was HUGE. I have the strange desire to touch one. Killer whales scre the crap out of me, but I want to pet a shark. It is probably good that I am not by any ocean!

Starshine said...

This was my reaction. "Meh, it's a shark. With it's mouth open? -twiddles thumbs- OH OH OH THEIR'S THE KAYAK. Holy shista thats huge" Thank you for making now more afraid to go in the ocean.