Monday, March 28, 2011

Ok, So If We Have Learned Nothing Else Over The Last Few Weeks...

It's that Nature is an amazing thing. This dust storm happened in Kuwait the other night. It's really worth watching at the very least the first three to three and a half minutes of this video. It's kinda terrifying. I suggest turning down the volume, though, because it's just people yelling in Arabic, wind noise off the mic, and a random "Fuck you!" towards the end.


Taffy said...

Tank drove a Hum-V through one of these. He said they are blinding!

Taylor The Latte Boy said...

I figured he did - I was going to ask him if he had next time I saw him, but you ruined the surprise...guess I'll just have to make out with him instead...and because you screwed it up? No camera this time!

Melanie said...

It wasn't anything nearly as bad, of course, but this reminds me of watching a dust storm sweep across North Dallas. Mother Nature is some scary shit.