Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Ok, So When I Said I Was Done Collecting Floppy Comic Books...

I had no idea that a ton of the comics I collect in either TPB or Hardcover would be coming out over the course of the next six weeks! Starting tomorrow with Jonah Hex, vol. 7, I will be seeing ALL four Avengers Series coming out in trade, as well as Wonder Woman, Green Lantern and Green Lantern Corp. Add on that the Black Canary statue that I ordered six months ago coming in the week of Thanksgiving, and it's looking like I'll be pacing myself at the comic store over the next few months!

1 comment:

Walt said...

As much of an Avengers fan as I am, I just didn't like The Initiative. And I think I'm going to drop Mighty. The rest I'm enjoying still, but now need to decide if I'm reading them monthly still or via trade.