Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Ok, So I'm Calling It Now...

Jane Lynch WILL be nominated for an Emmy this year for Glee. Tonight was her best episode yet.
The rest of the episode? Eh. Anyone else SICK of the whole fake pregnancy thing yet?


Drum Riley Calhoun said...

i am actually a little over this show...and i WAS my glee club in high school. she is great for two hours in a christopher guest movie, but a whole series...too much!

Crystal in Buford said...

Yeah, the whole preggo thing is starting to get old. Don't they know that the first ultrasound is internal? And that you can't tell the sex till 20 weeks? Hell---OOO?!?! Still love the show, though.

Walt said...

I actually finally dropped the show as of this week. As much as I love Candy Cummings, er, um, Sue Sylvester, the rest of the show is just awful. I'll admit I love the cheesy songs (a LOT), but the show itself has fallen way, way, way below it's potential.