Sunday, October 18, 2009

Ok, So For Your Consideration...

After Madmen-ing myself for fun, I thought, hey, I can use this for our new logo we talked about a while back. Add a google search for a cool retro font, an hour playing on Photoshop (I learn something new every time I go on it) and viola! The new logo for PiMC. Both Taffy and Rodan appear to approve, but we want to know what you all think as well! Love it? Hate it? Sad because our logo isn't a Taffy cock shot? (We ARE only allowed so much space for the size, and we all are aware that Mrs. H is hung like a water buffalo...) Let us know what you think!!!


Crystal in Buford said...

I think it's fabulous! Good work, Taylor!!

MykeLWulf said...

I like it!
It's very cool and retro. :)

brothercasey said...

I dig it!

Shannon O'D said...

I like it! Very snazzy and quite professional looking actually! :-)

Taffy said...

I like how Rodan and I have cocktails and you have coffee!

Taylor The Latte Boy said...

I'm not Taylor the Cran-tini Boy....

Don't make me change the picture to put you in a turtleneck, lady...

Melissa said...

LOVE IT! What a great idea!

Pat Gaik said...

Love it - but I don't see any drinks - what's Taffy talking about?

Melanie said...

It's spectacular -- keep it!

Taylor The Latte Boy said...

Pat, if you look at the blog vs getting your posts in your email, our new banner has us all partaking in libations...

And glad you all like it so much! I've uploaded the pic to iTunes and hopefully it will update shortly!

kim beaver said...

Wow, very well done. Taylor's nose seems to be a bit weird, but that's probably just me - sorry. I think it is amazing - very much Doris Day style. I love it!