Monday, January 31, 2011

Ok so...He's 30 !?! I took my girls to see him when they were 4 and 8... what's your point?
It's not like I'm RODAN or anything...

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Ok, So For Walt...

It's dead Debralee Scott, y'all!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Ok, So You Know What This World Needs More Of?

Donna Pescow. That's right. I said it.

And to answer the question you're thinking right now, I have no idea why...I'm just in a mood....

And I also know, Babaloo is going to see this and ask me who Donna Pescow is and there is a really good chance I will burst into tears, as that will be the moment I know I failed as a life partner.

Ok, So I Knew I Wasn't Crazy (In regards to this)

Taffy, THIS is the movie I was talking about yesterday at lunch..... what the hell ever happened to Karen Valentine?
Oh, and while looking for that trailer, I found this....and am putting it in here just because...

Ok so...You have to be F#@*ING Kidding ME!!!!!

Elton John magazine censored

But you know...THIS is family friendly???

Ok, So The Best Part Is The Guy Laughing.....

Ok, So We Wrote Another Children's Book.....

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Ok so...It's harder than you think...(not that, pervert)

A new site called Do Nothing for 2 Minutes challenges visitors to do exactly what it says --absolutely nothing. Created by PopJam CEO Alex Tew and developer Ben Dowling, the page features an appropriately ascetic layout. Users are asked to sit in front of a seaside photograph, listen to the sound of waves crashing against the shore, and that's about it. A timer at the top of the page counts down from two minutes, but, if you touch your mouse before the time is up, the timer will reset, and the page will remind you that you've failed.'do nothing for 2 minutes'

Ok, So A Part Of My Past...

We talked about this, I THINK, in a Christmas episode where we talked about favorite toys as a child. This is a photo of the Death Star that they sold back in the day for my Star Wars action figures. I loved playing with this....

Ok, So, Just Because...

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Ok so...Cross promoting at its most delicious!

PiMC: Episode 171 - Blood In The Snow, or Dame Judie Cooch!

We're back! Holiday wrap up, plans for the new years, and Alive: The Sequel! Plus, Taffy's vagina. We are!

blog:, phone: 206-350-1287, email:, facebook: Pod Is My Copilot, twitter: PiMCTaylor

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Ok, So This Sunday Night....

We will be taping a new show! Episode 171! Hurrah!
Oh, Taffy? Rodan? I need you guys to be available Sunday night to tape a show! :)

Ok so...Good Morning...May your day lead to something...Unexpected

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Ok, So A Great Ad Campaign For A Game I Will Hate

Some disturbing video game footage in here, but the point is....your mom (and Taylor), will hate this game....which is why Babaloo will eventually play it and love it while I hide in other rooms of the house....
Taffy, this lady look like anyone to you?

Monday, January 17, 2011

Ok, So I Was Going To Make A Joke Here, But Decided This Speaks For Itself....

Ok, So I Don't See What The Problem Is.....Oh, Wait...

Ok, So While I Will Catch Hell For This....

Yeah, I bought this song, and yes I love it. It kinda makes me want to be a stripper. Is that wrong?
C'mon, you can TOTALLY see me swinging around a pole in bright green stiletto heels to this, can't you? I'll let that image resonate in your head for a while...

Ok, So Having Read The Book and Now Having Seen The (Swedish) Movie

I can say that the book is MUCH better. It's amazing how much the movie was watered down and how the producers jumped over huge parts of the story to fit the book into a 2 hour film. Do they do this to Harry Potter books? I am probably going to start the next book in the series, but I may start the Hunger Games series first and flip flop through the trilogies. (That sounded dirty).

And Daniel Craig as Blomkvist? I can see that...

Ok, So That's...Um...Interesting.....

Another 4th of July at Casa Huffington.....

Ok, So Let T,T and R Plug Your Ass....

Got a podcast or blog you want the world to know about? Send us an email or post a comment to this post, and we will add it to the blog roll to the right? We only ask that you reciprocate, if you haven't already! One new show that I have found recently is The Inverse Delirium podcast. A combination of NPR and Monty Python, the first episode of this show had my laughing out loud last week in my car. Funny, subverise stuff! Want to check it out? Click on the link in the blog roll!

Ok so...I give you Tank...Age 5

parenting fails21

Friday, January 14, 2011

Ok, So A Glutton For Punishment

So, I get most of my online news from Yahoo!, as I have a My Yahoo! page. While the majority of my interests are more entertainment related (shocking, I know), I can't help but have a desire to stay informed about more important and topical matters, so I read the main headlines daily. I would say on at least one occasion, I find an article that is of interest to me, often political, and I read it.

Then I look at the comments.

You ever look at a comment section of a Yahoo! news article?


Now, it would be easy for me to say that the fault lies on the conservative side of the country, as it seems that most articles about President Obama seem to cause a feeding frenzy related to how he's a Muslim, or he's a socialist, blah blah blah. They manage to find ways to discuss President Obama in articles that have NOTHING to do with politics! Don't even get me started on comments written regarding gay rights (i.e. DADT, marriage equality).

However, the liberal side isn't much better. Many of their comments in response to the conservative comments are just as repugnant, if not more at times. The whole idea that there are people who seem to derive pleasure from such negativity saddens me. I feel like we are a nation that will never come together again, that the viewpoints we have will become more extreme instead of learning to work together and compromise. I also feel like we are a nation of idiots at times, considering the numerous grammatical and spelling guffaws I see

So, I know what you're thinking. "Then stop reading the comments."

That's the problem....I can't. I know they serve no purpose other than to anger me, but I can't stop looking at them.

So my question is, what do I do? One idea would be to find another outlet for my news. I don't want to go to a more liberal site, as I want my news to be as non-slanted as possible. However, I don't want to be tempted to read comments that just piss me off. Are there any websites out there that you can all think of? Anybody?

And before anybody asks, No, you can't get news about Congress from Falcon Studios. I'm talking to you, Huffington.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Ok so...Wait...what?

New Zodiac Sign Dates: Ophiuchus The 13th Sign?

The Huffington Post

Your zodiac sign may not actually be your zodiac sign anymore.

Astronomer Parke Kunkle says that due to changes in the Earth's alignment the dates of many zodiac signs have changed, according to NBC. In addition, there may be a 13th Zodiac sign: Ophiuchus.

Kunkle says that as the Earth and Sun slowly move the signs gradually change, as expected.

The change didn't happen over night either. The 12 signs were designated to different periods of the year almost 3,000 years ago, when astrology began, and since then the Earth's position in relation to the sun has changed.

While the sign many people were born under may now be different, it shouldn't affect horoscope readings, according to NBC.

See if your Zodiac sign has changed below.

The New Dates:

Capricorn: Jan. 20 - Feb. 16
Aquarius: Feb. 16 - March 11
Pisces: March 11- April 18
Aries: April 18 - May 13
Taurus: May 13 - June 21
Gemini: June 21 - July 20
Cancer: July 20 - Aug. 10
Leo: Aug. 10 - Sept. 16
Virgo: Sept. 16 - Oct. 30
Libra: Oct. 30 - Nov. 23
Scorpio: Nov. 23 - Nov. 29
Ophiuchus: Nov. 29 - Dec. 17
Sagittarius: Dec. 17 - Jan. 20

Ok, So Remember All Those Theme Restaurants From The 90s?

I think I found the menu for "Rodan's Twinkateria" located in beautiful downtown Monroe, LA.
(actually, these are pages from a "menu" from a brothel in the 1920s. Very cool. And who would have known they were so FILTHY back then!??

Ok, So An Ad Campaign I'm PRETTY Sure Taffy Can Get Behind....So To Speak

vPiMC: Episode 55 - The Return Of Midnight Madness - Part 3

Babaloo joins the fun as Taffy and Taylor shop til the sun comes up. Giggles, Slap-happiness and stupidity abound.

Look for new epsiodes with Taylor, Taffy and Rodan soon!

blog:, phone: 206-350-1287, email:, facebook: Pod Is My Copilot, twitter: PiMCTaylor

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Ok so...Snow Hostages

........Taffy and Taylor are stuck in the Winter Storm in South Carolina.
........Taffy and Taylor are stuck in the Winter Storm in South Carolina.
........Taffy and Taylor are stuck in the Winter Storm in South Carolina.

Film to Follow.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Ok so...Beverly Hills 902-50!!!

I realize she was the oldest cast member of 90210...but she just turned 50???!!!
WHAT? I can not only believe that this is true...I also can't believe that I actually care!

Ok so...Only an OHIO farmer!!!

Ok so...Pod is my CO-PILOT!

Monday will mark a landmark event in the Taffy/Taylor relationship...Our first Flight together.
Story to follow!

Ok made me look twice

Ok so...Crayola...For your Consideration...

spank.jpg (8436 bytes)tin-man.jpg (7758 bytes)la-air.jpg (9465 bytes)gray.jpg (8163 bytes)abuse.jpg (14265 bytes)time.jpg (8576 bytes)diaper.jpg (10315 bytes)klan.jpg (7037 bytes)

Ok, So It IS True That Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend....

You will probably have to click on the picture to read it. Sorry. Stupid Blogger....

Ok, So While I Bought Both Books....

I started this one first, primarily because it was the lesser of the two that interested me. I wanted to be like Vanessa Williams and save the best for last.
Boy, was I wrong. I wanted to kill myself for the first 45 pages or so, then - BAM!- we get to the reason why we are all here.
No spoilers in the comments, please :)

Ok, So Remember, Kittens....

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Ok, So I Am TELLING You People....

laser guns and your children's blood on their teeth...It's going to happen....

Ok, So I Am Having A Bad Day....

and then I watched this.

Damn you, little happy waterfowl. How am I supposed to NOT smile when I watch this!?

Ok, So....I Don't Like It

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.....

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Ok, So A Date Has Been (Possibly) Set....

God help me - trust that this WILL be a topic on the first show back...

vPiMC: Episode 54 - The Return Of Midnight Madness - Part 2

...or as Taylor likes to call it, "The night we discovered Taffy may be certifiable."

blog:, mail:, facebook: Pod Is My Copilot, Twitter: @PiMCTaylor

Monday, January 3, 2011

Ok so...Big Sky/Littlest Huffington

Today the Littlest Huffington (who now stands about 5'8) took her very first Ski in Sunny Florida!
We have a store down here Bill Jackson's - It's Time for Your Adventure and they offer indoor snow skiing lessons on a "mountain" It's like a huge reverse carpeted treadmill, which is AMAZING!!
She is going to Big Sky, Montana for spring break this year, and needs to find a way to control those long legs on ski's.
Taylor and I should MOST CERTAINLY do this for a video podcast...Possible Resolution#2
This is what I am sure she will look like after a few more lessons...

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